My very first creative project when I joined was the Sony Pictures holiday reel. All eyes in Sony are on this, it will play for months across the lot, on the global website, and sent out by the presidents to the industry. No pressure. The reel is a sizzle of the year’s best content produced by the studio, television, and movies as well as teasing upcoming content. The approvals went through, but the main client was the Sony Television Studio heads. They loved the idea and championed it to the end.
I knew I had to do something different, but in the entertainment world, there are an infinite number of reels produced every year. So, I decided to embrace the holiday theme and I wrote a narration that we could match show and movie clips too. But that was not enough, I looked at countless old reels and I realized the go-to VO was the movie guy voice or some famous person. I thought, how about a loving and warm female voice, something I found out later had never been done. A reel had never been narrated by a woman. I found the perfect storytelling voice and it was magical. I made minor tweaks from the first cut and it was in the can. Approved by everyone first pass…it was extremely well received by everyone and used repeatedly, it also played longer on the screens on the Sony Studio lot than any other holiday reel previously. It still gives me goosebumps.